Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Moseley School Students Visit RNA Factory

Nine students at Moseley School spent half day at the Castle Bromwich factory of RNA.

On arrival at RNA at 9.00am, Marketing Coordinator of RNA Ying Zhang warmly welcomed the students. The students were taken to the conference room for a presentation about the company and the various processes take place in the factory.

Stuart Brettell, Managing Director of RNA, gave a welcome greeting, introducing RNA's company background, and product range including RNA feeding systems and specialist handling systems.

RNA Group is world leaders in handling and feeding technology.

Complete with protective safety glasses, the students were then taken to the different workstations in the factory and explained how each workstation contributes to the whole process.

RNA staff explaining bowl feeder fabrication

Explaining how a bowl feeder works

RNA vision guided robot being built

Machinery guarding



CAD drawing

After the factory tour, the students were given a short seminar on CAD drawing. 

After the lunch at 12.30, the students had a free time discussion on their education decision and future career plan.

Rachel Slowey, student tutor of Moseley School, thank all the staff at RNA who help the visit. 'The technical tour was really informative and gave students a chance to look close to the engineering world. 

We value the opportunities for local college and school students to visit our factory. The staff at RNA wish the students of Moseley School all the successes in their studies and future careers!

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

    Automation Engineering
